Welcome to the
Early Visual Media Lab
The Early Visual Media Lab is focused on the study of visual media heritage with immersive features. Our mission is to build a new experience and understanding of immersive historical media through digital technologies. From stereoscopic photography to optical boxes, cosmoramas, and panoramas, this lab is focused on heritage accessibility and contextualization, partnering with museums and media archives for the creation of innovative online databases, Virtual Reality applications and for the curation and reuse of digitized collections.
The Early Visual Media Lab is part of CICANT — the Research Center in Applied Communication and New Technologies, at Lusófona University, in Lisbon.
Our work
Research & Projects
With the focus on heritage accessibility and contextualization, and partnering with museums and media archives for the creation of innovative online databases, our projects aim to facilitate access to digitized collections and offer the opportunity for people all around to get to know these pieces of history.
Events & Talks
The Early Visual Media Lab promotes events and talks with scholars and artists in the field of visual media historical research.
The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to reflect on the emergence of our progressively immersive media culture with a historical, critical and contemporary perspective.