Collaboration with Melgaço’s Cinema Museum —Jean-Loup Passek
The Early Visual Media Lab (CICANT) of Lusófona University and the research project Curiositas (CICANT; IHA) has collaborated with the Cinema Museum of Melgaço — Jean-Loup Passek for the digitization and study of its collection of optical views. This digitization process made it possible to recreate, through short videos, the transparency effects of these images, originally prepared for an optical box called ‘Polyorama Panoptique’. The study of these images will be undertaken by the international team of the research project ‘Curiositas: Peeking before Virtual Reality. An Archeology of Immersive Media through Virtual Reality and Iberian Cosmoramas’ funded by FCT (PTDC/COM-OUT/4851/2021) and coordinated by Victor Flores (Univ. Lusófona) and Susana Martins (Univ. Nova de Lisboa).